Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee

The Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee provides recommendations to hospitals, health care institutions, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the public concerning, but not limited to, newborn hearing screening methodologies, guidelines for reporting and the means to assure that identified children receive referrals for appropriate follow-up services.

Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee (CIHAC)

The Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee (CIHAC) advises the department on issues related to newborn hearing screening in the State.


The CIHAC meetings are held on a quarterly basis at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, and are held in person or by Zoom conference call. Meeting announcements and updates will be listed below, and all meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in being added to the stakeholder email list, please email leanne.glenn@state.co.us

The Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee may temporarily convene separate subcommittees. Please see the minutes below for those subcommittee meetings.

All meetings will take place from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

2025 Meeting Schedule

  • Friday, Feb. 7, 2025, remote meeting
  • Friday, May 2, 2025, remote meeting
  • Friday, Aug. 1, 2025, hybrid meeting
  • Friday, Oct. 10, 2025, remote meeting

Upcoming meetings

Dec. 18 - CIHAC Co-Chair Planning meeting

CIHAC Co-Chairs will plan the meeting topics to be discussed at the Feb. 7, 2025 CIHAC meeting. Since this a planning meeting only, this meeting is open to the public to listen in. If you require interpretation for this event, please contact Leanne Glenn at leanne.glenn@state.co.us at least one week prior to the meeting.

Zoom Meeting information for CIHAC Co-Chair Planning meeting:

Join the CIHAC Co-Chair Planning meeting on Zoom

  • Topic: CIHAC Co-Chair Planning meeting (to plan agenda for February 2025 CIHAC meeting)
  • Time: Dec 18, 2024 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
  • Meeting ID: 828 2966 1885
  • Passcode: 022514
  • One tap mobile

Dec. 20 - Special Subcommitte Newborn Hearing Policy Discussion with CDPHE, other government agencies, and CIHAC members

Ellen Stern, Director of Government Affairs at Children's Hospital Colorado, has requested to meet with CDPHE Newborn Hearing Screening Program staff. Since Colorado's Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) System is a collaboration among four government agencies, we thought it would be valuable to have one representative (from the EHDI Interagency Steering Committee) from each agency join a meeting for introductions, updates, and a discussion on plans moving forward.

Agencies present at this meeting will include 

  • CDPHE,
  • Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) 
  • Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) 
  • Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB) 

Since multiple members from our Colorado Infant Hearing Advisory Committee (CIHAC) plan to be present for this discussion, the meeting is open to the public to comply with open meetings requirements. Minutes will be posted on the CIHAC section of our website after the meeting.

Special subcommittee meeting information

Join the special subcommittee meeting

2024 HIDS NBH application Q & A Session minutes

Note: Provider feedback on data fields or provider Q & A sessions are not part of CIHAC meetings but may include CIHAC members who are also providers. Most providers who submit newborn hearing data to CDPHE and attend Q & A sessions are not CIHAC members.

2023 CIHAC Bylaws Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
2023 HIDS NBH application Q & A Session minutes

Note: Provider feedback on data fields or provider Q & A sessions are not part of CIHAC meetings but may include CIHAC members who are also providers.  Most providers who submit newborn hearing data to CDPHE and attend Q & A sessions are not CIHAC members.

2019 Provider feedback on HIDS NBH application

Note: Provider feedback on data fields are not part of CIHAC meetings but may include CIHAC members who are also providers. Most providers who submit newborn hearing data to CDPHE are not CIHAC members